All about the $Benny-jamins Meng$

When promises go bad, everything goes rotten.


Grandmaster Samuel Kwok publicly calls (HKB) Black Flag fake.

Moy Yat once said this in front of senior students that Benny was his LONG DISTANCE learning student, and that his skill is really not that good among others. Benny was not a very close student of Moy Yat; not a direct student of his. In an online forum Wing Chun master Robert Chu also had mentioned deflecting Benny with ease when the first time they met. Benny Meng even paid him big bucks for private lessons on the Gulo Wing Chun 40 point system.

Benny’s favorite pastime includes throwing his most loyal students under the bus. He has a reputation both inside and outside of Wing Chun circles to be extremely egocentric, dictatorial, nomadic crowd hopper, salesman, self-righteous bullshitter, and never committing to any teacher. He’s a technique collector with an obsessive compulsion for greenbacks, marketing gimmicks, get-rich quick schemes, and most of all he is known as a liar. His vengefulness runs deep for everyone who has spoken truth about him. The list of this fake’s character defects is long and repugnant, and he has the gall to call himself a grandmaster. What kind of Wing Chun grandmaster can fall for the tricks and lies of a nobody with a fake kung fu background, call him sifu, and not even recognize how he was made the fool of Kenneth Lin’s fake 5 Flags Wing Chun lies?


Now that makes people wonder if Benny’s Wing Chun skill and knowledge is really that mediocre. Someone who just passes through kwoons like a virus going from one body to the next, collecting things like a pack rat with no loyalty to anyone but himself is what it comes down to when you look at the bottom line. That can really explain why Benny is so easily fooled by Kenneth Lin’s fake black flag whatever Chun! As Lin’s Sifu and sihings revealed to Sergio, Lin was actually studying Benny’s own WC videos and literatures, as Lin was obsessed with wanting to learn Wing Chun after getting his ass handed to him by a WC teacher in his youth.

That prompted him to search for Wing Chun instead of Tio Tek Kwie’s teachings of Saam Chin. Lin found Chung Che Man who over several months taught him some of his expression of WC called VIKOGA system. He never completed even half of it! No one certified Kenneth Lin to teach anything it is all a lie as Tio Tek Kwie admitted publicly. Now Lin doesn’t even mention him in his new history fairy tales but this is all “Shaolin HKB Black Flag” is good for. The biggest joke on the VTM is Lin fooled Benny into believing he is the real deal! Some researcher Benny is NOT! IDIOT!


Benny actually is also considered Lin’s teacher in a way. Even though Lin completely fooled Benny into believing Lin was legit, it apparently turns out both Benny and Lin teamed up and reinvented rebranded and recycled their collection of punches and kicks and their version of history. Rather than admit Benny fell for the biggest scam of his life he embraces it like having a bad tattoo you can’t easily get rid of. So Benny takes a back seat while Lin plays the “Pied Piper” but it’s a very strange relationship between this “odd couple”. Even they don’t know what the hell they are doing. Who is really the puppet and who is the puppet master?


This Wing Chun obsessed Ngo Cho Kun practitioner named Kenneth SaLim/Lin basically “came out from nowhere” with a plan to get rich and famous by ultimately deceiving the world. At first Lin’s target was this fake museum guy Benny mentioned above. Lin studied the materials Benny sold on videos and printed in magazines, stalked his every move, then tricked Benny with his own stuff – no doubt sounding like Benny but selling him a bill of goods that was really repackaged stuff he was able to pick up on his own. Then he was to step up his plate to publish his BS in a magazine for more notoriety. Then he targeted those innocents around the world to rip them off with his fake BF cupcake chase your dreams MMA fake Shaolin Wing Chun certification, make a pyramid scheme and siphon all the money up to him! It’s a scam and a hoax…..

Recently Wing Chun master William Cheung made some sort of pilgrimage to “bring WC back to Shaolin”. Whoever could support the cause could donate money and those that donated LOTS of money more could have their name engraved on the monument stone. Once Wing Chun people found out their names were engraved together along with that fake museum guy Benny Meng on that Shaolin stone plaque some became so angry at William Cheung! To this day Benny’s name is nothing but a stick in the mud. Ironically this is the situation with all those names on it now that Benny’s name is attached to it. They gave their money to William Cheng’s organization just to support his mission, but not in their wildest dreams did they ever expect Cheung would allow that Ip Man Wing Chun traitor Benny’s name there as well. Once they saw that disgusting Benny Meng name there, the real meaning for this project for Shaolin has already become a meaningless, funky business that was being used for this low life Benny Meng to continue on with his con job under the false presentation of Shaolin. While fat boy Kenny is obsessed with being some head honcho of his phony Black Flag MMA, old man Benny is a total fanboy of wishing he was really a Shaolin monk.


We like the idea of the monument plaque to connect Shaolin and Wing Chun, but not the fact of Benny’s name on it. It brings down the good intention set forth by William Cheung. Even Robert Chu said “When did Wing Chun leave Shaolin?” LOL. Yeah William Cheung really didn’t have any control over whose name could be added due to anyone being able to contribute by donation, but leave it to an opportunist to take advantage. Now Benny’s name tarnishes the integrity of the stone. William Cheung’s student and representative Shannon Moore had this to say:

“This is Sifu Shannon Moore, Executive Director of the Global Traditional Wing Chun Association headed by GM William Cheung. For the record, we have no affiliation whatsoever with Benny Meng or his Black flag organization. We do not acknowledge nor condone nor support any of his activities or his organization. Any image of GM William Cheung or any other representative of the GTWCKFA or event that is used will be WITHOUT our consent. The image(s) described were purely happen stance photo opportunities NOT initiated by the GTWCKFA.”

Speaking of stones… You know the story of the famous Moy Yat Stone Carved Ving Tsun Kuen Kuit Chops? The ones Moy Yat meticulously hand-picked for every stone and carved by his own skill and talents over a span of SIX years? Yes these stones: Here’s the story of how the fake VTMuseum lost possession of them.


Elizabeth Moy had told her father Moy Yat several times not to trust Benny. It was only years later where Moy Yat realized she was right all along, that Benny was everything people have been saying all along; a greedy money loving snake oil salesman and in Moy Yat’s final days he had his stone chops removed by force from the VTM. Benny’s true colors were revealed to the world to be traitorous and a greedy lying self righteous control freak. That was one of the most damaging blows to the reputation of that VTM, which once respected, is now nothing more than Benny’s personal collection closet that no one supports anymore. Now it is a factory of lies, used only by people who want to make a name for them.


In the aftermath of Moy Yat’s passing and the broken promise of Moy Yat’s dream for the VTM, without shame, Benny even showed up to Moy Yat’s funeral just to show the world that he was “still important” but it only showed his true colors to be an opportunist. Can you say “Photo Op?” Who would be sane enough to even want to be associated with this crazy boy? Take it as a reminder from Moy Yat, you cannot trust this scumbag rat Benny Meng-seum.

My Sifu once met that fake museum guy Benny in Canada. Since then he has had heard of so many negative comments/stories about this snake oil spaghetti head salesman Benny from many people. Since those days when Moy Yat, Ip Chun, William Cheung and many other Wing Chun seniors withdrew their supports for this fake museum in Ohio, that place became worst than a whore house. That place smells bad, smells like Benny’s Black Flag toilet paper.

Many innocent people got ripped off by this fake museum where Benny sells his fake museum Wing Chun, and the fake money-making scam behind the falsehood of Shaolin and Wing Chun name. The VTM represents whatever old man Benny decides it to be, which right now is his demented personal idea of WC history and the art he twisted while at the same time calls it the most original and most deadly. His and Kenneth Salim’s creation of Shaolin Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun is a 100% total HOAX.


No one these days (who really want to be respected) likes to be connected to the VTM. I mean, how dare this shameless, Black Flag phony, piss ant FOOL, tarnish the respected name of Shaolin. All Sifus are sick to have their names attached with him and to be associated with the VTM on that stone. If you want to save yourself the wrath, do not ever mention BM or VTM in front of the Moy Yat clan.

At the end of the day, people wonder why so many people dislike this asshole Benny Meng? Based on Ip Chun experience with this crazy boy, he said not only he betrayed his own Sifu Moy Yat purposefully, he also abuses the name of Ip Man Wing Chun for the sake of making money. He only cares about money. Martial Arts is strictly a business for him. He only uses it to make money. Crazy Boy Benny abuses kung fu for his own bank accounts. He has no honor.

Plus this jerk off Benny had his student Alex Magnos start to bad mouth Ip Man Wing Chun. Here is what he said: “For the sake of truth – Ip Man Wing Chun was indeed made up also…. and by whom? by Ip Man himself of course… Only a dumb-ass doesn’t know that… but even so who cares?  some people really are full of BS!!!” – Alex Magnos


That pompous jackass! This is what he is teaching his customers? That our Wing Chun is made up by Ip Man? This must be coming straight from Benny. Benny tried to cause further conflict between Sam Kwok and his ex-student Tony Massengil. That whole mess was another giant embarrassment for Crazy Boy Benny. It all went viral on Facebook when Benny tried to court Tony Massengil with a position working with the fake museum of lies as an editor on their “board”. Several people tried to warn him of all the crap he was about to get entangled in, which he eventually found out the truth that Benny’s got dirty hands and a crooked tongue. Tony revealed on Facebook that Benny was talking trash about others’ Wing Chun skill and character. He called Benny out on colluding with a known fraud who got caught masquerading as a Wing Chun Sifu but was really another phony poser with no credentials. This became a huge case of “He (Tony) Said, She (Benny) Said”!


Tony and his like-minded friends shunned and humiliated Benny and the VTM for supporting and propagating fraudulent people, as there are still some stars out there who still believe in Honor and Respect and virtuous actions – all the things Benny tends to forget in his sad and pathetic endeavors to leech off the ignorant and impressionable. Not soon after did Benny issue a challenge to Tony on Facebook. It would appear the author of many articles and videos and curator of a fake museum ran out of fake smiles and kind words in dealing with the situation. Such poor public relation skills Benny! His challenge to duel Tony was met with ridicule, mockery, and laughter from many people. Tony’s response to Benny’s public challenge:

I would just like to make a statement…about the Benny Meng controversy! 

I met with Benny when he was in town to do a seminar for an instructor who has been Claiming to be a Wing Chun instructor. In our meeting Mr. Meng attempted to recruit me into his organization and sell me on his Black Flag Wing Chun. I explained to him that I am interested in researching further into some of the differences in other branches of Wing Chun, but I am not looking for a teacher. That I was happy where I am, and that my interest is more in other branches of Wing Chun flowing from Ip Man’s teachings. Meng offered me a post on the board or as a technical director at the Ving Tsun Museum, as well as asking me about the possibility of co-authoring a book together. My main concern was with his association with the instructor he had done the seminar for. 

This “So-Called” instructor has been charging students for Wing Chun classes and teaching his own MADE-UP Wing Chun as the real thing. He had even defrauded Sifu Dustan Carrol of Alabama Wing Chun by advertizing himself to be certified by the Lo Man Kam lineage and went to Alabama to conduct a seminar in the Lo Man Kam method. Dustan Carroll had to threaten filing Interstate Fraud Charges to have the seminar fees returned when it was clear that the man had lied in order to book the seminar, and the man had admitted on a forum at a later date that he was NOT certified by ANYONE! 

Mr. Meng had told me that the man’s Wing Chun was horrible and that if he took him as a student that the man would have to start from the beginning, and would not be teaching Wing Chun until he had met Meng’s standards for instructor. 

This guy now calls Meng his Sifu, and Meng has called him his student, Yet the guy continues teaching his BS Wing Chun. 
So I publicly stated to Mr. Meng that I wanted nothing to do with an organization that would support the fraud this guy is perpetrating, and lend credibility to him to continue to defraud unsuspecting people! So I turned down Meng’s offers to become involved with his Museum. 

Since that time, Meng and I have had some words on Facebook, and has lead to him issuing a BS challenge. So I just want to say, stop the childish grandstanding Benny! You have been revealed to be what you are, and it is apparent to many that you will accept and back anyone who has the money to pay you. This guy has shopped for certification with me, Gordon Lo, Dustan Carroll, and has attempted to get under Samuel Kwok and Leo Au Yeung. It appears he has finally found a home…. Water seeks its own level, and he has found You! 

As to your challenge…. No one is afraid of you Benny. I made it clear, it is you that has pushed to turn this thing physical, so next time you are in town for a seminar with your new Representative, I’m not hard to find. But don’t come with this MMA rules crap. I train to apply my skills in self-defense in the street…. so just show up and do what your courage allows! I have not asked for a fight, but will be more than happy to show you what a real fight is if the need arises!

Benny could not handle the embarrassment. He has shown over the years how poorly his giant ego reacts to rejection. In this failure of PR and lack of damage control, he threatened legal action against Tony, all the while it was Benny who was implicating his own “VTM” by supporting and conspiring to defraud people with more contrived certifications in Benny’s world of martial arts. Benny got caught red handed in aiding a fraud  Nobody has any respect for him, the one who attracts his own kind of scum who prey on those who don’t know, villains like Andreas Hoffmann and Kenneth Lin and Sergio Iadarola (until Sergio redeemed himself of such treachery but still a dirty past with common elements as the other rejects).

But Benny isn’t man enough to say it openly instead of hiding behind his personal page acting tough. Is his skill good enough to kick Tony’s butt as he said? An MMA pinhead versus a tried and street-tested martial artist and police officer? It is quite clear Tony Massengill is hands down the smarter and brighter. I would love to see this happen and I would bet my money on Tony all the way. Benny challenged Tony online for some old school action but this museum puppet master has no clue about the old culture! Poser!


He does not he show any signs of common sense or respect for the US, UK, and other international laws against fraud. How many countries are now selling that phony Black Flag fantasy knock off kung fluke crap? The bigger they get the harder they will fall. This is the scam of the new century. This fool has done enough damage and needs to go. Down with Crazy Boy Benny!

Uncovering the lies behind the Black Flag of Kenneth Lin

HKB Seniors Lie

 senior members of Hek Ki Boen

So we know and it is common knowledge that the 18 Lohan Hands exist, yes. In more modern times it has taken on many roles like being one of 5 sources that make up the sum techniques of Ngo Cho Kune. The gentlemen in this photo are all exponents of Ngo Cho Kune to whom Kenneth Lin received his Saam Chien training specifically through Tio Tek Kwie found on the far right in the glasses. If you do any independent research on Ngo Cho Kune, Five Ancestors Fist, 18 Lohan Hands, you would quickly see there is no historical involvements tying these arts to the Boxer Rebellion of China. In fact, they have nothing to do with anti-Qing Dynasty revolutions but only for the sakes of Buddhism and Qigong and Martial Arts and only those sakes.

These days you may come across something called HKB Kuntao, or Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun, or Shaolin HKB Kuntao, Shaolin HKB Wing Chun, or Black Flag Wing Chun, etc etc etc… All these names are in fact all references to one thing. Check out these videos:

HKB (Black Flag) Eng Chun Xiang Fuk Lin’s multiple identities, multiple background part 1

HKB (Black Flag) Eng Chun Xiang Fuk Lin’s multiple identities, multiple background part 2

So let me ask the question to you. Is there something called “Black Flag Wing Chun” and any derivative of it like I mentioned above? The answer is that there was no such thing in history no matter what the revisionists tell you. The answer is a flat out NO. It never existed anywhere in history unless you count the last EIGHT years or so. If you do, then we can say yes but that would then conflict with all the historical claims that the HKB Kuntao group has been spreading to young and impressionable minds.

The fact is Kenneth Lin is the one responsible for creating the ridiculous story of “Black Flag Assassins”. Kenneth Lin is the one who mixed his Saam Chien Ngo Cho Kuen training from Tio Tek Kwie with Vikoga Wing Chun from Chung Che Man. He calls himself a grandmaster. Yes he proclaimed himself as grandmaster and the original heir of all Wing Chun bloodlines. “What do you mean he proclaimed himself to be the original heir of Wing Chun???” Remember this photo and Lin’s own words, people:


Take a look at the family tree he used to promote by clicking here: #1, and here: #2, and now here: #3. His, and I use that possessive noun lightly, lineage tree continues to evolve. To date it has evolved  a total of 3 times in eight years. I think that speaks for itself. His background is fake. His story is wrought with fraudulence, and he is selling it like candy to the unintended. Based on these diagrams one thing is clear and when it comes to any legitimate tie to Wing Chun it is only through Chung Che Man which makes him a 6 generation practitioner below the Yip Man generation. His roots via Tio Tek Kwie have nothing to do with Wing Chun only Ngo Cho Kune.

Let’s dial that in folks. He is a 6th generation floosy in the Yip Man tree of descendants, but today he is claiming to be the 4th generation inheritor of the (cough) Shaolin HKB Black Flag of Wing Chun. Perhaps he did not learn math well enough in Surabaya Indonesia, but that doesn’t add up on our planet. Now, let’s just say (for the sake of humor) that his flag story is true. Let’s just entertain this wild notion for a few sentences and bare with me. If it is true that Yip Man Wing Chun comes from a “Red Flag” society, and Kenneth Lin learned what little Wing Chun he could get from Chung Che Man of the 5th generation via Victor Leow, does that not make Kenneth Lin a 6th generation Red Flag waver? So how is it he claims to be 4th in line when he is 6 levels below? Do you see where this is getting at? By his own story and his own words he simply does not make any sense and that is what happens when you insert logic into a poorly made movie, it all begins to unravel and fall apart. If he wants to claim some roots to a Black Flag then it would have nothing to do with Wing Chun but through what those old guys in Indonesia are doing (NCK stuff).

These posers, these impostors, these frauds have tried to seek refuge by tying their falsified 5 Flags/Black Flag fairy tale to the shadow of the Black Flag Army in Chinese history, led by Liu Yongfu. You can read about this group through this link: Now, why can’t this be true? Why can’t the HKB Bandits of today claim heritage to the Black Flag Army from China’s past? FOUR main reasons: 1. The claim from Lying Lin is that his HKB heritage was not PRO but ANTI-Qing, and 2. The Black Flag Army under the command of Liu Yongfu was PRO-Qing, pro-Manchu. Please note for the record HKB Black Flag contradiction #6,000: “pro” is the antonym of “anti”. Reason #3. Anti-government groups would not use the same system designations as their enemies, like flags. Reason #4. The armies of the Manchu, the Mongols, and the Han, all had 8 banner divisions, not 5 Flags of Wing Chun. Totally different not just in number of divisions, but in purpose and function. VTM researchers fail in connecting their HKB creation to the Black Flag Army of the Qing.

There is one other historical occurrence of “black flags” in Chinese history, and is far more treacherous and sinister. Here is the video detailing the historical and unspeakable carnage left by the actual 5 Flag Bandits, whom the vilest of the 5 were the Black Flag Bandits who sided with the Japanese to rape, kill, pillage, and revoltingly dehumanize our Chinese brethren.

“Some views on Wing Chun – Refuting the ulterior motive of the believers

 (China News) The recent film screening of Wing Chun Ip Man has renewed enthusiasm for Chinese culture and all kinds of comments divergent to that. There was a native of Shandong Mr. Zhao Yuan, newspaper contributor, who published a thought-provoking article.

 Mr. Zhao stated as follows: “In watching the movie” Ip Man “after his son to see the network in the United States claim to teach Wing Chun, a Chinese American, actually nonsense that Black Flag and Shaolin Wing Chun are related. (note from me, he may be referring to Black Flag Wing Chun, google it) This is unofficial Chinese history and martial arts that they do not know, understand or have ulterior motives.

 I am native of Shandong, my grandparents all died in the Black Flags, a bandit rebellion if you will. The Japanese invasion of Manchuria, five flags will ring around the Horse Thief, Shandong, five flags will be in, especially black flag will be the most heinous, Gein was the real traitor would be to help the Japanese killing Chinese people and soldiers, This modern Chinese history is well documented.

 Chinese martial arts are very popular abroad, but there are some ill-intentioned liars who dare tamper with history in foreign countries. Black Flags will be the bandits to its name — their heart is black: for many Chinese compatriots killed by Japanese devils. Now, I see on the Internet, a Renzeizuofu Chinese bastard who speaks nonsense from the United States, its behavior is that every Chinese was the last straw, which the Japanese deny Nanjing Massacre What is the difference? For me this is the greatest insult to the Chinese people. Is it Chinese people’s ignorance, or a ghost from a nightmare? We Chinese can not numb, we stand up and expose traitors, feature our martial arts and defend our dignity!”

Now where does the real treachery begin? It began with turning Tio Tek Kwie into Lying Lin’s accomplice to deceive Sergio and Benny at the very outset of the sale’s pitch. I’ve read Sergio’s resignation letter to Lying Lin. I’ve watched Tio Tek Kwie’s incriminating video confession to the whole scam operation. Tio Tek Kwie confessed to supporting the lies, pretending not to speak English so Lin could control the whole operation. Tio Tek Kwie pleaded guilty and stated to the world he did it all for the SOLE reason of supporting his student’s business future abroad. Here is the video link:

Little did Lying Lin know that Sergio and his closest went back to Indonesia after the deed was done and got the truth out of Tio Tek Kwie! Not only did Sergio get Tio Tek Kwie to admit the scam but he got a mountain of EVIDENCE to destroy Lying Lin’s falsehoods to the last pebble in the sand.

Sergio Iadarola’s public announcements for resigning from HKB scam:

example 1: “Official Statement of Sifu Sergio Pascal Iadarola,

A Year ago I joined the HKB (Black Flag Wing Chun) association. my interest was sparked by its history, theory and expressed skill levels, by its senior members.

As many of you are probably aware, I’m a researcher of the Wing Chun system.  I travel through China and South East Asia, to promote the system’s history and lineages.

Over the past years several attacks against HKB were launched on Youtube, which I helped defend on my Sifu Sergio channel.  I even promoted the system itself through several videos.

As a researcher however, I keep an open mind and look at things from different viewpoints, some subjects brought up in the attacks caused some concerns. However, my doubts were always  clarified by the head of HKB.  However, a recent trip to Indonesia to meet GM Tio Tek Kwie proved otherwise.

The late GM Kwee King Yang had ten Sifus, from several different Fukien systems. His First Sifu a Black Flag secret society member named The Kiang Sing, his Second Sifu Goei Bok Khie a Tai Zo expert, his Third Sifu Oei Liok Hin whom he learned the Sip Ji Kun from and his Fourth Sifu was called Tio Han Tam.

Only Kwee King Yang’s last Sifu Ciao Fun Jiao is used by the propaganda of HKB Wing Chun as his history is clouded due to the Black Flag secret society that he was part of.

The Saam Chian Bo for example, comes from the late GM Gei Bok Khie, who was a Tai Zo expert. Kwee King Yang just added the Black Flag secret society knowledge given to him, by his last Sifu Ciao Fun Jiao (NOTE: This is not WING CHUN!) onto his other learned systems and came up with his unique18 Lohan Hands system.

The current leader of the HKB in the USA, learned this system in Indonesia, under several sifu’s, mainly sifu Tio Tek Kwie, but he also learned Wing Chun under a Sifu called Victor Leow, eventually mixing the systems and coming up with his Saam Chian Wing Chun which he taught in Japan. And later Ng Cho Wing Chun which he taught in Indonesia, before coming to the US and creating his HKB Wing Chun (Black Flag Wing Chun)

In Indonesia, the system from GM Kwee King Yang is called 18 lohan hands, and does not have Siu Nim Tau, nor Chum Kiu, nor Biu Tze in its curriculum.

The Forms taught are:
– Sam Chian
– Lower Saam Chian
– Sat Si Mui
– Sip Ji Kun

and several others, not found in  HKB system in the US, like for example the forms Tai Zo Kun, Song Sui and Bak Kak.

The system of HKB furthermore, contains a lot of theory and elements from the Hung Fa Yi system,  according to my sources were extracted from Benny Meng’s books and VTM website.

There are no pictures or videos in existence of any student of the late GM Kwee King Yang nor of himself showing any wing chun form resembling Siu Nim Tau, Chum Kiu or Biu Tze.

For anyone who questions this, I advise you to go to Indonesia yourself. Go to Surabaya or Probalingo, and ask them about these forms, or if they were ever taught these forms by the late Gm Kwee King Yang.

I’m aware that the means to defend themselves at this stage is to say that I paid grandmasters in Indonesia with sums of money. Anybody believing that, again I suggest to go to Indonesia and talk with the students of the late GM Kwee King Yang yourself, and verify what I’m stating in this letter.

Anyway I’m sure, this is not the last of it, as I’m dragged further in this political game, but then again, it happened to me before, this is basically the 3rd time that I found myself being involved in an association where it seems a normal state of affairs to build a reputation with lies and deceit.

Sifu Sergio Pascal iadarola

The maker of this video was right all along

Lying Lin’s whole world came crashing down and I can almost guarantee you when all this fallout was happening Lying Lin was shaking and sweating and praying to his holy porcelain toilet that the world would not toss him out like yesterday’s newspaper. Chatter on the vines reveal Lin may have gotten council on how to deal with this toxic disaster and the scared little chicken found an even dirtier trick under his feathers. He distances himself from Tio Tek Kwie in a public statement implying his beloved teacher to merely be old and senile and that we should excuse his instabilities. Tell me that is not the most decrepit lie he could do to oust his own teacher!

I cannot reiterate it enough fellow readers, Kenneth Lin is lying about his snake oil. Wing Chun does not come from 18 Lohan Hands and does not come from any fantasy flag of any type. Five Ancestors is not the same as Five Flags, and Flags are not the same as Bandannas! Now, there is something called Hek Ki Boen in Indonesia and yes that group does some Ngo Cho Kune. Ngo Cho Kune and Wing Chun do exist in Indonesia but I kid you not Ngo Cho Kune has nothing to do with Wing Chun. Every group of Wing Chun in Indonesia is all from the Yip Man tree and only from the Yip Man tree. See and for examples. You won’t even find the Black Flag Eng Chun/Wing Chun there in Indonesia, and that is worth repeating in all caps! YOU WON’T EVEN FIND THE BLACK FLAG ENG CHUN/WING CHUN THERE IN INDONESIA. Every Wing Chun group there comes from the Yip Man clan and it is that liar Kenneth Lin who has pulled the wool over people’s eyes. He is the culprit. He is the bandit. If you ever get confused you need not look any further than Lying Lin, and with a name like that you can never trust what comes out of either side of his mouth.

The fake museum that Kenneth Lin has moved his stuff into for his fake research. The VTM has never shown any interest to further the real research for the truth even with a mountain of evidence against the Black Flag BS. Where is the interview with Chung Che Man? No interview with the guy whom Lin asked to learn the rest of the 18 Lohan Hands. What kind of research is that, and what kind of BS museum is that? Only interested in selling certifications for their personal curriculum – a collection of techniques from various arts – to gullible hero worshiping students… this is why that stupid museum needs to be closed down for the sake of good education for society.

One of the Yip Man Clan leaders Samuel Kwok takes a stand against the Black Flag phony cronies!


I make the case to you in supporting Samuel Kwok as the voice in the Wing Chun Community for standing up against the forgery perpetrated by the Black Flag fraudsters namely Kenneth Lin Xiang Fuk and Benny Meng. As a disciple of the Yip Man Clan, Samuel Kwok has spent his life spreading Wing Chun globally in honor of the Yip Man Clan. Although there are others who have done (and continue to do) the same, credit must be given to Samuel Kwok for the being the first of the Seniors of the Yip Man Clan to publicly state the “Shaolin Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun” is a complete fabrication. Samuel Kwok believes that action must be taken to protect the heritage of Wing Chun, to which that heritage is being rewritten by said fraudsters to include Shaolin to boot.


From his point of view, and more likely than not from the point of view of those closest to Yip Man and his disciples, those whom have intimate knowledge of the teachings from the late Grandmaster Yip Guy Man know Wing Chun when they see it. Thusly, their expertise in the art trumps a more common-folk level of perception and understanding on what is Wing Chun. Granted people have a right to their opinions so let not this message dissuade people from expressing their views. Quite the contrary I am merely attempting to state that with properly attained credentials their commentary and insight into specific subject matters bears substantive meaning whereas the average practitioner’s opinions and experiences only go so far. When members within the upper echelons of Wing Chun authority speaks their words simply carry more weight. That is the reality.

You know if there are enough people in the Wing Chun Community that would stand up and not only publicly define what is real Wing Chun to the masses, but also call out those who try to mislead the people into believing that 18 Lohan Hands blended with Vikoga style Wing Chun is the genuine article. Those who have mislead the public with historical fabrications telling their potential victims that “Shaolin HKB” was created by Shaolin Monks for the sole intention of being the “cream of the crop”; the “top notch killer art” for assassins from a Chan Buddhist Temple (mind you), are deluding themselves in the process. Shaolin is not about training up hit squads, let alone training them with the art to defeat all other arts!

Now before I continue, let’s stop just for a moment and look at this from one angle. With all the Shaolin Kung Fu that was around at the time what would be the reason, the justification, the practicality, in creating some new hybrid art intended for use by assassins? Are all the other types of kung fu simply sub-par to the Black Flag Wing Chun? Does this mean that every available form of kung fu was deemed worthless and therefore pointless to be used to assassinate Qing Dynasty officers and government officials, but the newly created HKB could get the job done? While it is highly implausible and most historians might give someone that “Are you serious?” look when broached with this fabrication, I am here to tell you there is not an ounce  nor a shred of truth in the Black Flag story purported by Kenneth Lin and Benny Meng.

But let us not kid ourselves because that is not their concern. Their main concern; their main objective, is to sell fake soap to as many people as possible and turn a history of burger flipping and souvenir collecting into a fantasy lifestyle where they are the emperors and they turn your hard earned money into their mountains of profit. And while their victims (those with little to no education in the history of Wing Chun and little to no understanding on Wing Chun) revel in their sales pitches and elaborate marketing schemes, Lin and Meng sleep easy because as rejects of society they are finally getting what they have always dreamed about. Your money and personal sacrifice means their dreams can come true. If you want to join in on spreading their dreams and becoming a part of the HKB organization, it can cost you anywhere from $68,000 to $128,000 of debt if you are subsidized through family, friends, or mortgage and bank loans.

Benny Meng collects photo opportunities from the unguarded to spread his name and products.

Benny Meng collects photo opportunities from the unguarded to spread his name and products.

Benny Meng is a double dealer who by his very nature is an opportunist. He is a very good salesperson who is constantly driven by the mighty dinero. He has a history of using so many people for their limited funds to further his rise to fame, and a social stigma to match his disreputable name. In the photo above is one of several that have been discovered on the social network Facebook. Some questions were raised by a descendant of Wing Chun Shifu Samuel Kwok named Victor Ruscher:

“Now take a look at this photos with William Cheung and Benny Meng stealing a photo op.

Case of entrapment? How the hell would William Cheung allow this fake character Meng of made up Wing Chun use his image and for what, to promote his false made up Black Flag nonexistent Kuntao? Everyone knows William Cheung hates this @$$ h0le. I hope he doesn’t let that pos get away with that again.”

Once word got out that there was a possibility of joined endeavors between the infamous “Shaolin” Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun (Black Flag Bandits) and the Global Traditional Wing Chun Kung Fu Association (TWC) it was only a matter of hours when the GTWCKFA publicly addressed the rumors.

dated   October 14 at 1:19pm

“This is Sifu Shannon Moore, Executive Director of the Global Traditional Wing Chun Association headed by GM William Cheung. For the record, we have no affiliation whatsoever with Benny Meng or his Black flag organization. We do not acknowledge nor condone nor support any of his activities or his organization. Any image of GM William Cheung or any other representative of the GTWCKFA or event that is used will be WITHOUT our consent. The image(s) described were purely happen stance photo opportunities NOT initiated by the GTWCKFA.”

Now I think it is a good start for the GTWCKFA to take such a gesture and position towards the HKB, but I think it is too soft to be truly effective. If they made such a strong statement as Samuel Kwok did then I would be able to state there is some strong leadership coming from the TWC clan in condemning Benny Meng and Kenneth Lin.

These two fraudsters have usurped the name Shaolin and the name Wing Chun, and are cashing in on it with lies and elaborate marketing schemes. This is a complete violation against the essence and representation of Shaolin and Wing Chun. I believe Samuel Kwok is the guy to lead this growing movement. He has publicly denounced them, and has taken a stand to protect the integrity of Wing Chun. Let’s all put our support behind Samuel Kwok and render the revisionists’ agenda into nothing more than a dead fish. It is time for people from every country that has been infected by the “Black Flag of Death” to renounce them. It is time for the world to say “Enough of your shenanigans! Forgo the name Shaolin and Wing Chun from your black flag. It is time for you pack up and leave our communities!”