One of the Yip Man Clan leaders Samuel Kwok takes a stand against the Black Flag phony cronies!


I make the case to you in supporting Samuel Kwok as the voice in the Wing Chun Community for standing up against the forgery perpetrated by the Black Flag fraudsters namely Kenneth Lin Xiang Fuk and Benny Meng. As a disciple of the Yip Man Clan, Samuel Kwok has spent his life spreading Wing Chun globally in honor of the Yip Man Clan. Although there are others who have done (and continue to do) the same, credit must be given to Samuel Kwok for the being the first of the Seniors of the Yip Man Clan to publicly state the “Shaolin Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun” is a complete fabrication. Samuel Kwok believes that action must be taken to protect the heritage of Wing Chun, to which that heritage is being rewritten by said fraudsters to include Shaolin to boot.


From his point of view, and more likely than not from the point of view of those closest to Yip Man and his disciples, those whom have intimate knowledge of the teachings from the late Grandmaster Yip Guy Man know Wing Chun when they see it. Thusly, their expertise in the art trumps a more common-folk level of perception and understanding on what is Wing Chun. Granted people have a right to their opinions so let not this message dissuade people from expressing their views. Quite the contrary I am merely attempting to state that with properly attained credentials their commentary and insight into specific subject matters bears substantive meaning whereas the average practitioner’s opinions and experiences only go so far. When members within the upper echelons of Wing Chun authority speaks their words simply carry more weight. That is the reality.

You know if there are enough people in the Wing Chun Community that would stand up and not only publicly define what is real Wing Chun to the masses, but also call out those who try to mislead the people into believing that 18 Lohan Hands blended with Vikoga style Wing Chun is the genuine article. Those who have mislead the public with historical fabrications telling their potential victims that “Shaolin HKB” was created by Shaolin Monks for the sole intention of being the “cream of the crop”; the “top notch killer art” for assassins from a Chan Buddhist Temple (mind you), are deluding themselves in the process. Shaolin is not about training up hit squads, let alone training them with the art to defeat all other arts!

Now before I continue, let’s stop just for a moment and look at this from one angle. With all the Shaolin Kung Fu that was around at the time what would be the reason, the justification, the practicality, in creating some new hybrid art intended for use by assassins? Are all the other types of kung fu simply sub-par to the Black Flag Wing Chun? Does this mean that every available form of kung fu was deemed worthless and therefore pointless to be used to assassinate Qing Dynasty officers and government officials, but the newly created HKB could get the job done? While it is highly implausible and most historians might give someone that “Are you serious?” look when broached with this fabrication, I am here to tell you there is not an ounce  nor a shred of truth in the Black Flag story purported by Kenneth Lin and Benny Meng.

But let us not kid ourselves because that is not their concern. Their main concern; their main objective, is to sell fake soap to as many people as possible and turn a history of burger flipping and souvenir collecting into a fantasy lifestyle where they are the emperors and they turn your hard earned money into their mountains of profit. And while their victims (those with little to no education in the history of Wing Chun and little to no understanding on Wing Chun) revel in their sales pitches and elaborate marketing schemes, Lin and Meng sleep easy because as rejects of society they are finally getting what they have always dreamed about. Your money and personal sacrifice means their dreams can come true. If you want to join in on spreading their dreams and becoming a part of the HKB organization, it can cost you anywhere from $68,000 to $128,000 of debt if you are subsidized through family, friends, or mortgage and bank loans.

Benny Meng collects photo opportunities from the unguarded to spread his name and products.

Benny Meng collects photo opportunities from the unguarded to spread his name and products.

Benny Meng is a double dealer who by his very nature is an opportunist. He is a very good salesperson who is constantly driven by the mighty dinero. He has a history of using so many people for their limited funds to further his rise to fame, and a social stigma to match his disreputable name. In the photo above is one of several that have been discovered on the social network Facebook. Some questions were raised by a descendant of Wing Chun Shifu Samuel Kwok named Victor Ruscher:

“Now take a look at this photos with William Cheung and Benny Meng stealing a photo op.

Case of entrapment? How the hell would William Cheung allow this fake character Meng of made up Wing Chun use his image and for what, to promote his false made up Black Flag nonexistent Kuntao? Everyone knows William Cheung hates this @$$ h0le. I hope he doesn’t let that pos get away with that again.”

Once word got out that there was a possibility of joined endeavors between the infamous “Shaolin” Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun (Black Flag Bandits) and the Global Traditional Wing Chun Kung Fu Association (TWC) it was only a matter of hours when the GTWCKFA publicly addressed the rumors.

dated   October 14 at 1:19pm

“This is Sifu Shannon Moore, Executive Director of the Global Traditional Wing Chun Association headed by GM William Cheung. For the record, we have no affiliation whatsoever with Benny Meng or his Black flag organization. We do not acknowledge nor condone nor support any of his activities or his organization. Any image of GM William Cheung or any other representative of the GTWCKFA or event that is used will be WITHOUT our consent. The image(s) described were purely happen stance photo opportunities NOT initiated by the GTWCKFA.”

Now I think it is a good start for the GTWCKFA to take such a gesture and position towards the HKB, but I think it is too soft to be truly effective. If they made such a strong statement as Samuel Kwok did then I would be able to state there is some strong leadership coming from the TWC clan in condemning Benny Meng and Kenneth Lin.

These two fraudsters have usurped the name Shaolin and the name Wing Chun, and are cashing in on it with lies and elaborate marketing schemes. This is a complete violation against the essence and representation of Shaolin and Wing Chun. I believe Samuel Kwok is the guy to lead this growing movement. He has publicly denounced them, and has taken a stand to protect the integrity of Wing Chun. Let’s all put our support behind Samuel Kwok and render the revisionists’ agenda into nothing more than a dead fish. It is time for people from every country that has been infected by the “Black Flag of Death” to renounce them. It is time for the world to say “Enough of your shenanigans! Forgo the name Shaolin and Wing Chun from your black flag. It is time for you pack up and leave our communities!”